Free ways
you can get members for telegram If you want to get thousands of subscribers to your telegram channel. Place a link to your channel on social media, on your website, on the websites of your mates.
Add this link to all dispatches with you perspective subscribers, mention your channel as frequently as you can in your dispatch hand, in papers, at the end of your posts on social media.
Publish the link to your channel in online registers. Numerous of them are free, for illustration, Storebot, Storegram, Botoboom, Telegrambots, Tchannels. You can find the full list of registers on a tgcat channel. The main advantage of this way is that online registers shoot selections of chatbots to their subscribers in colorful orders and your bot can get to one of them.
Promote your channel on thematic websites. For illustration, you can promote a fashion channel on corresponding forums and groups where the target followership is.
You can leave the link in c ommentary to posts of opinion leaders and to papers about Telegram.
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